Thursday, 12 February 2015

MongoDB 3.0: Bye Bye DB Lock

MongoDB has announced its latest release MongoDB 3.0. The version will be released in market in March 2015. 
There are lot of big achievements and great features to be coming up with this release.

MongoDB 3.0 will bring in massive improvements to performance and scalability, enabled by comprehensive improvements in the storage layer. MongoDB has built in the WiredTiger storage engine, an incredible technology with a distinguished pedigree. WiredTiger has been engineered with latch-free, non-blocking algorithms to take advantage of trends in modern hardware, like large on-chip caches and heavily threaded architectures. 

The storage engine architecture itself is getting a revamp with the inclusion of WiredTiger storage engine.

With WiredTiger, MongoDB 3.0 introduces document-level concurrency control, so performance remains fast and predictable under concurrent, write-intensive workloads. Transparent on-disk compression reduces storage requirements by up to 80%, and a choice of compression algorithms means that developers can tailor the performance/space trade-off to suit the needs of particular components in their applications. 

MongoDB's original storage engine has been enhanced, including collection-level concurrency control and more efficient journaling. Now called MMAPv1, the default storage engine is a binary drop in that provides more efficient and concurrent handling of workloads.

The new release will also have enterprise level ops manager.  Ops Manager makes routine tasks push-button, eliminating the vast majority of work that operations teams must do to manage MongoDB. It will not try to replace existing automation or provisioning tools, rather, it will support and supplement them, so operation users can focus on architecture, not plumbing. Ops Manager's API means it can be integrated into existing tooling for monitoring, backup and management.
I am exciting to use the new features and will share in this blog with you all as when it comes in the market.

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